10 novembre 2021

Discover the fourth edition of the Forum|Press Kit

Press kit - 10 November, 2021

Discover the fourth edition of the Forum|Press Kit


Mind the gaps: Improving global governance in times of Covid-19

The case for improving global coordination could not have been made in a more dramatic way than by the havoc Covid-19 wreaked, with millions of deaths and economies devastated worldwide. We now need to build back better, but that will not happen if we cannot address the gaps that threaten the reconstruction: the action gap on the response to the pandemic and economic recovery; the ambition gap on global goods like climate; the North-South solidarity gap that endangers the joint resolution of global problems; and the inclusion gap (elite gap and gender gap) that threatens to further divide our societies and leave many behind.

In November 2021, the 4th edition will focus on spurring a more solid and inclusive recovery by addressing the various gaps in global governance, offering initiatives to better tend to the global commons, and putting forward new principles of action for the post-Covid world.