Seeking Common Ground in a World of Rivalry

In a world dominated by a rising US-China rivalry and damaged by conflicts, climate change and the lingering consequences of the pandemic especially on the most vulnerable countries, it is as urgent as ever to find common ground on the governance of global commons and global public goods. But one can wonder if it is … Continued

90 years of the International Rescue Committee (IRC): Exploring the parallel between then and now

The world is experiencing the highest number of violent conflicts since World War II. 110 million displaced people – the highest number ever recorded: a devastating consequence of natural disasters, violent conflicts, and source of high tensions on the borders of neighboring countries and the far away safe havens of Europe and North America. Civil society … Continued

Fostering Lunar Policy Priorities for Safe and Sustainable Lunar Development

With over a hundred lunar missions planned by 2030, international policies and standards are needed to enable safe and sustainable lunar development. To begin this crucial work for our common future in space, this roundtable introduces the Lunar Policy Platform, an international, non-governmental, non-profit entity aiming to facilitate shared solutions to common lunar problems through … Continued

Stopping the war on the rules of war

From Sudan to the Middle East and the Sahel, current conflicts indicate that civilians as well as combatants in armed conflicts are increasingly falling victim to blatant violations of their basic rights as granted by International Humanitarian Law and in particular by the Geneva Conventions. These attacks come together with a widespread feeling of impunity … Continued

Protecting Populations from Critical Harm to the Public Core of the internet

Ensuring the protection and resilience of critical information infrastructures is crucial to the continuity of essential services to populations. However, global cooperation in this regard has been hampered by a lack of convergence between States on what infrastructure qualifies as “critical” as well as on consequences to be drawn from this designation. New methods remain … Continued

From Multicrisis to Multiconflicts: how to stop the vicious circle

Violence is on the rise globally. The “multicrisis” created by the post-Covid setback on SDGs, debt, and new climate vulnerability has pushed many countries on the brink of greater fragility and political instability and created new challenges for conflict prevention. The UN as well as International Financial Institutions, such as the World Bank, have recently … Continued

Female Combatants: roles and needs in conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding

(Session co-organized with the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments). This panel is to showcase female combatants’ stories by highlighting that women may simultaneously occupy more than one role while being involved in active combat. The panel will also discuss how to ensure better female combatants’ participation in peace negotiations. It is important to highlight women’s … Continued

Supporting the private sector in fragile contexts

(Session co-organized with Expertise France and Proparco). At the Paris Peace Forum, Expertise France and Proparco, as part of the AFD Group, will organise a joint side-event focusing on supporting the private sector in fragile contexts. This event is organised in the name of all the European agencies, through the three networks: Practionners’ Network, EDFI … Continued

No Nature, No Future: Tackling the biodiversity emergency

According to recent figures, wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 69% between 1970 and 2018 – one of many statistics that show biodiversity, from our forests to our oceans, is declining faster than ever before in human history. This has devastating consequences for the well-being of all living creatures on Earth. A year … Continued