Artificial intelligence 

The rapid progress of artificial intelligence is a paradigm shift affecting all dimensions of our societies. It creates huge opportunities in terms of economic growth, social development, innovation, knowledge, better access to global goods and job creation across various sectors. Yet the associated risks are equally significant: misinformation, bias leading to discrimination, threats for human rights, protection of citizen’s rights, personal data, malicious use, lack of transparency and, critically, a possible widening of the global digital divide. As the pace of innovation show no sign of slowing, urgent decisions are needed to ensure humanity can grasp the full potential of AI while keeping its development and use consistent with common ethics and safety standards. 

One year after the Bletchley Park AI Safety Summit and in partnership with the upcoming Paris AI Action Summit (February 2025), the 7th edition of the Paris Peace Forum will be the occasion to take stock of ongoing international efforts to shape a common approach of responsible and ethical AI. Dedicated sessions will bring together partners from all spheres – governments, industry, research, civil society – to discuss AI in all its dimensions including governance, regulation and safety, with a particular focus on implementation of safety standards, voluntary commitments and international initiatives aimed at improving global access to AI infrastructure and technology. 


Tech-Driven Solutions for a fairer world  

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of technology in governance is becoming crucial in a variety of fields. In this session highlighting innovative solutions selected by the Paris Peace Forum from around the world, this session will explore how AI combats disinformation, open data fights corruption, and digital tools can uphold human rights. These projects leverage technology to drive meaningful change from science to public policies and shape a more equitable and peaceful world. This highly interactive session will combine pitches with feedback and insights from experts and will provide an opportunity to engage with these project leaders to learn from their success stories, hear their latest advancements and scalable impact!