Facing Climate Overshoot Risks: Youth Lead the Response

Session co-organized with the Climate Overshoot Commission. The risk of overshooting the 1.5°C warming goal of the Paris Agreement is looming, posing severe threats to younger generations’ health, food security, water availability, or migration patterns, among many other risks. The Climate Overshoot Commission put forward an integrated strategy—the CARE Agenda—focusing on Cutting emissions, Adaptation, carbon … Continued

Climate Impulse x UM6P : innovation and exploration for climate action

In this unique session, explorer Bertrand Piccard and UM6P President, Hicham El Habti will kick-start the collaboration between the University and Climate Impulse, the Swiss pioneer’s new challenge. Following on from Solar Impulse, which circumnavigated the globe in a solar-powered aircraft, Climate Impulse aims to perform the first non-stop, zero-emission flight around the world in … Continued

Solving the joint climate transition and development conundrum through enhanced North-South cooperation

In addressing the twin urgency of climate transition and development, a stark financial reality emerges: immense funding is required for both of these urgencies, yet fiscal resources remain constrained. Countries face a dilemma, balancing environmental sustainability against poverty alleviation, without the luxury of choice. Development banks have expanded their portfolios in response, yet the scale … Continued