Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

Life Changing Work for Women Refugees


The topic of refugees exploded when the photo of 2-year-old Aylan Kurdy’s dead body on the Turkish shores went viral. Six years later, the number of individuals forced to flee continues to rise, worsening the worldwide issue of displacement. Refugees often spend months or years waiting for papers or the ability to cross borders and are frequently left idle and without no opportunities to earn income. NaTakallam firstly tackles the need to access an income for refugees, IDPs, and women in displaced communities. When the Ukraine War began, millions of women lost their financial stability. We immediately took action to hire women as remote language tutors and translators, providing them a source of income as well as a chance to connect with people across the globe who wanted to support and learn the language. Our project seeks to formalize and expand these actions for more women refugees.