Reinventing Development
Peace and Security
Emerging Technologies

Global Citizens’ Debate on the Future of Internet

Missions Publiques

The Global Citizens’ Debate is both a new governance framework and a testfield. Topic chosen for the test in 18-20 is the future of Internet which aligns perfectly with the agenda of Paris Peace Forum, Internet Governance Forum and Govtech summit. It has 4 pillars: (1) Coalition building, meaning that the debate is co-designed and supported by a core group of key global stakeholders. (2) Citizen participation meaning that thousands of ordinary citizens, representative of the diversity of their country take part in massive f2f deliberative events: They get informed, discuss and build an informed opinion through a process of collective intelligence which allows considering the views, fears, desires and expertise of ordinary people which otherwise are absent from global policy decisions. (3) Impact meaning that the results are used to fuel and inform the decision-making process of stakeholders worldwide and at all levels, creating an ecosystem of impact. (4) Massive capacity building, as the 200+ organizers worldwide gets trained both in the method and topics at stake. We will be present at IGF18, at Govtech and at Paris Peace Forum. The project is officially supported by the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the Electronic Frontier Foundation & ISOC. 20+ organizations (International Organizations, Governments like France, Germany or Switzerland, Global Companies and business networks, Civil Society, Foundations) are about to enter.