Reinventing Development

Bank of minas gerais digital

Development bank of minas gerais (bdmg)
South America

Although the contribution of SMEs to the development of the economy is clear, this segment still faces financing obstacles when compared to larger companies. When it comes to the challenges faced by SMEs in this pandemic moment, the issue of financial inclusion becomes even more urgent. BDMG Digital is an online platform created to evaluate and grant credit for different needs of SMEs. It is a pioneer initiative among development banks in Brazil. In the context of COVID-19 response, BDMG Digital increases its role with different online lines of credit for SMEs which can be all accessible at home and are linked with 2030 Agenda, such as: - Gender Inclusion (SGDs 5 and 8): small-sized companies owned by women - GERAMINAS SAUDE (SGDS 3 and 8): enhance investments in healthcare SMEs companies - Tourism (SGD 8): tourism chain - SMEs (SGD 8): credit program with a particular focus on micro businesses