Spring Meeting 2024

On 10 June 2024, for the first time ever, the Paris Peace Forum will hold its Spring Meeting abroad, on the African continent, and gather diverse actors from around the world to focus on the shared North-South objective of “Spurring Fair Transitions”.

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Paris Peace Forum 2023

For the sixth year in a row, the Paris Peace Forum brought together key players in global governance on 10-11 November 2023 at the Palais Brongniart. The aim of the 2023 Forum was to “Seek Common Ground in a World of Rivalry”, against a backdrop of global polarization jeopardizing international cooperation on issues vital to humanity.

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Chiugo Aghaji

Extractives and Sustainability consultant, CEA CONSULTANCY SERVICES


Mary Burce Warlick

Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency


Assheton Carter

Executive Director, Fair Cobalt Alliance


Shirmai Chung

Member of the Youth Engagement Group, Climate Overshoot Commission


Roberto Hernández Juárez

Climate Activist-Researcher, Founder of Youth Building The Future Global (YBTFG)


Pascal Lamy

Vice President, Paris Peace Forum


Nicolas Lefevre-Marton

Group Strategy Vice-President, ENGIE


Kathrin Lorenz

Country Director, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Morocco


Louise Mabulo

Member of the Youth Engagement Group, Climate Overshoot Commission


Emmanuel Makumba Mali

Director for Democracy and Good Governance Programme, International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)


Hanane Mourchid

Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer and Strategic Committee Member, OCP Group


Anita Soina

Global Youth Champion for UN Hosted Sanitation and Water for All
