AI Action Summit

Asia Pacific AI Governance Accelerator

Le comité FPTPEC (France Pacific Territories Pacific Economic Committee) en coalition avec le secrétariat du Conseil de coopération économique du Pacifique (PECC) et les comités USPECC (Etats-Unis), PERUPEC (Pérou), KOPEC (Corée du Sud) et SINCPEC (Singapour) du PECC.

Project Summary

The Asia Pacific AI governance Accelerator (APAIGA) is a coordination mechanism aimed at strengthening Asia-Pacific expertise and competence in AI governance.
In particular, it aims to nurture a dialogue between countries in the region to encourage the spread of generative AI according to shared principles of prudence and responsibility.
Its aim is to produce recommendations addressed to APEC ministerial meetings, for subsequent translation into the legislation of member economies.
It builds on the momentum created by the organization of a first workshop in San Francisco, under the aegis of the IA Summit for Action, bringing together representatives from several economies in the region, including the USA, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Peru, Korea and France via its Pacific territories.


Presentation of the Organization

The France Pacific Territories Economic Cooperation Committee (FPTPEC) is France's representative to the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), a regional organization based in Singapore that plays an advisory role to APEC on regional economic cooperation issues.