Ines Hassan – Directrice, The Global Health Security Consortium

Ines is a senior pharmaceutical and global health advisor with 14+ years of experience in strategic and management consulting in commercial pharmaceutical strategy and global health policy. She has spent her career supporting biotech companies and the pharma industry in commercialization strategy and later governments and multilateral organizations in global health policy. She is the … Continued

Karine Perset – Cheffe de l’unité IA et de OECD.AI, Division des politiques de l’économie numérique de l’OCDE, OCDE

Karine Perset dirige l’unité IA de la Division de la politique de l’économie numérique de l’OCDE, où elle supervise l’Observatoire des politiques de l’OCDE en matière d’IA et le réseau d’experts de l’OCDE en matière d’IA. Elle se concentre sur les opportunités et les défis que représente l’IA pour les gouvernements, sur les politiques visant … Continued

Rachel Adams – Directrice, IA et programmes globaux, Research ICT Africa

Dr Rachel Adams is an experienced leader in directing large regional and global projects relating to AI policy. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the Global Index on Responsible AI and the AI4D African Observatory on Responsible AI. Before taking up her post at Research ICT Africa, Rachel was a Chief Research Specialist at … Continued

Giacomo Persi Paoli – Responsable de programme sécurité et technologie, Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement (UNIDIR)

Giacomo Persi Paoli is the Head of the Security and Technology Programme at UNIDIR. His expertise spans the science and technology domain with emphasis on the implications of emerging technologies for security and defence. His recent work focused on arms control, technology horizon scanning, AI and cyber security. Before joining UNIDIR, Giacomo was Associate Director … Continued

Martin Tisné – Directeur général, AI Collaborative, une initiative du Groupe Omidyar, et co-président des Global Tech Thinkers​

Martin Tisné leads the AI Collaborative, an initiative of The Omidyar Group created to help regulate artificial intelligence based on democratic values and principles and ensure the public has a voice in that regulation. Martin brings over 15 years of investment and leadership experience to his role, including advising several heads of state on AI … Continued