Olha Vesnianka – Combattante, volontaire militaire, Quartier général de la défense de la région de Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Olga Vesnianka is a Ukrainian combatant, military volunteer, human rights defender, expert. She took arm into the arms to defend Ukraine from russian terrorists in particular Zaporizhzhia region. In 2022 Olga volunteered in the Headquaters for the treatment of POW. Advocated for the Establishment of the Special International Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against … Continued

Elena Ambrosi – Conseillère en matière de droits de l’homme, de droits des victimes, de sécurité et de consolidation de la paix. Ancienne membre de la délégation du gouvernement colombien dans le cadre du processus de paix avec les FARC-EP

Elena Ambrosi Turbay is a lawyer and specialist in international humanitarian law and international affairs.She worked as thematic director of the Colombian Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, where she served as deputy negotiator in the process between the government and the FARC.She has also worked in the Ministry of Defense, where she held … Continued