
Pascal Faucher

Chair, European Union Space Surveillance and Tracking (EUSST)



Dr Pascal Faucher is graduated (1997) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (SUPAERO). He also holds a Master’s Degree in Ocean, Atmosphere and Biosphere (1998) and a Ph. D. in Physical Oceanography (2001) by the University Paul Sabatier, funded by the French Ministry of Defense, and an Executive Master of Business Administration (2007) by ESCP Business School. After a post-doctoral position in the European project Marine Environment and Security for the European Area (MERSEA), his experience includes more than 20 years of various positions at CNES headquarters as international relations advisor and programme manager. For the last 11 years, as a programme manager in defense and security in the Directorate of Strategy, he is responsible for the following themes: space security, space situational awareness, space surveillance and tracking, space traffic management, space sustainability, space debris, space weather, planetary defense.He is the Chairman of the European Union Space Surveillance and Tracking Partnership (EU SST) since July 2017, and co-Chairman of the European Union Industry and Start-ups Forum on Space Traffic Management (EISF) since April 2022. He is also the Chairman of the Space Security Committee of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) since October 2021. He is a French delegate to the Programme Board SSA of the European Space Agency (ESA), the EU Space Programme Committee in SSA configuration, the Administrative Board of the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EU SPA), the EU STM Stakeholder Mechanism Main Group, the Steering Group of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), the Steering Committee of the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG), the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), appointed in 2021 as the National Point of Contact to the Working Group on the Long Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities (WG LTS 2.0). In France, he chairs the National Coordination Group on Space Weather (GCME). He is a member of the French Steering Group on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEIPAN).


Program 2023
10:15 11:15
Room 4
Governing in- and on-orbit activities: a path towards space traffic coordination
Protecting the planet and the people