
Fabio Ferrari

CEO, aDryada



Fabio Ferrari is the CEO of Adryada, a company he founded whose mission is to develop large-scale biodiversity protection and restoration projects financed through an innovative business model. Ardian Operating Partner since 2020: Fabio supported Ardian Infrastructure Team, notably with the creation of Hy24 management company. Founder and former CEO of Symbio, a leading European company on fuel cells, Fabio initiated the hydrogen market for mobility in France and Europe by promoting the business model for mobility, based on captive fleets with Public Private Partnerships. He had the same success in the previous sector he used to innovate in: call centers and voice over IP, 20 years in the telecom domain (Comtac, Soditel, MG2, NetCentrex, Comverse).


Program 2023
11:15 12:15
Room 2
Safeguarding the Trees of Life: Uniting Climate and Biodiversity Agendas
Protecting the planet and the peopleĀ