
Alain Berset

President, Swiss Confederation


Alain Berset was born in Fribourg on 9 April 1972. He studied Political Science and Economics at the University of Neuchâtel where he graduated in 1996, later obtaining a doctorate in 2005. He is married and the father of three children.In 2003 Alain Berset was elected to the Council of States for the canton of Fribourg and was its president in the year 2008 / 2009. He was elected to the Federal Council by the United Federal Assembly on 14 December 2011. Since January 2012 he is head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. On 6 December 2017 the United Federal Assembly elected him president of the Swiss Confederation for 2018. On 7 December 2022, he was once again elected president of the Swiss Confederation for 2023.

Program 2023
15:30 16:15
Stage A
From Multicrisis to Multiconflicts: how to stop the vicious circle
Crafting peace and building a safer world