Stage A

Saturday 11 November 2023


The Great economic de-coupling: Globalization in need of therapy

Protecting the planet and the people 

Confronted with an increasing risk of geopolitical fragmentation, the global economy is facing its perhaps biggest test since the Second World War. Over the past decades, flows of capital, services, goods and people have radically transformed our world for better and worse and the global economy has tripled in size. Although it meant significant development for some, globalization also increased competition and inequalities within and between countries, leading to risks of “disintegration” with significant economic, social or politic costs. So much so that decoupling and de-risking – to reduce interdependences, towards ensuring one’s economic resilience – have become mainstream terms, as geopolitical rivalries deepen. This session will explore how to avoid the looming fragmentation of the global economy, which would only drive countries and people further apart, and reshape globalization so that it can be fairer and greener.

José Ángel Gurría

President, Paris Peace Forum Association


Alan Katz

Paris Bureau Chief, Bloomberg News


Maria Fernanda Garza

Chairwoman, International Chamber of Commerce


Norbert Röttgen

Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany


Miao Lu

Co-Founder and Secretary-General, Center for China and Globalization


Famke Krumbmüller

Associate Partner, EMEIA Geostrategy Leader, EY


Intervention on the same theme

14:00 14:30
Stage C
Spotlight with Lucy Parker, Senior Partner at Brunswick group - Leading Brunswick’s work on ESG and Sustainable Business – Co-author of “The Activist Leader”, a new mindset of doing business
Protecting the planet and the people 
12:00 12:45
Stage C
Insights on Cooperation
Insights on Cooperation in rivalry: The Challenge of Climate Change
Protecting the planet and the people