Stage B

Friday 10 November 2023


SDG and democracy in peril: collective strategies to safeguard information integrity

Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

(Session co-organized with IFPIM - International Fund for Public Interest Media). Mounting threats to information integrity, including large investments in information warfare by autocratic and illiberal actors and the rise of Generative AI, are imperiling progress on the 2030 agenda. Independent media is facing an existential economic crisis, hampering its ability to combat information disorder. With increased SDG financing in regions where democracy is backsliding, threats to independent media also jeopardize one of the few viable accountability mechanisms. Scaling up support and enhancing aid efficiency to bolster healthy information ecosystems are crucial to preventing further democratic decline and a looming development crisis. This session will emphasize how threats to information integrity endanger the 2030 SDG agenda and propose practical solutions for a stronger response from global leaders and the international community.

With the participation of

Maria Ressa

Nobel Peace Price Laureate 2021; Chief Executive Officer and President, Rappler Inc.


Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Secretary of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships, French Republic


Nishant Lalwani

Chief Executive Officer, International Fund for Public Interest Media


Kojo Oppong Nkrumah

Minister of Information, Republic of Ghana


Carsten Staur

Chair, Development Assistance Committee, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


Intervention on the same theme

11:15 12:00
Stage D
The “Always On” agenda: creating pandemic resilient health systems
Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs
13:00 14:00
Stage D
All hands on deck: Boosting financial efforts for People and the Planet
Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs