Stage E

Friday 10 November 2023


Fostering Global Cooperation on Responsible Critical Minerals

Protecting the planet and the people 

The production and processing of critical minerals essential to the energy transition are geographically concentrated in a limited number of countries, making supply chains more fragile in the event of a crisis. The context of rising geopolitical tensions and the multiplication of protectionist measures regarding critical minerals reduce our collective capacity to ensure the energy transition. This panel will examine how to foster cooperation in the common interest, and what instruments could be put in place to decrease the risk of conflict and tension around critical minerals.

With the participation of


Agi Veres

Director of UNDP Geneva Representation Office, UNDP


Lihui Sun

Director of the Development Department, CCCMC Founder and Chairman of Responsible Critical Mineral Initiative (RCI)


Shunichi Miyanaga

Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.


Amon Murwira

Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, Republic of Zimbabwe


Intervention on the same theme

09:30 11:30
Stage A
Delivering on the Paris Pact for People and the Planet (by invitation only)
Protecting the planet and the people 
14:00 14:30
Stage C
Spotlight with Lucy Parker, Senior Partner at Brunswick group - Leading Brunswick’s work on ESG and Sustainable Business – Co-author of “The Activist Leader”, a new mindset of doing business
Protecting the planet and the people