Stage C

Monday 11 November 2024

A world order with Chinese characteristics?

Peace, Geopolitics and Multilateralism

As the existing international liberal, rules-based order created in the aftermath of World War II is fraying under the pressure of unsolved crises and conflicts and empowered new actors, questions arise. How to reshape a new functioning order, who will design it, and will it gain broad buy-in and respect? In this debate, China has been pushing an alternative vision and narrative to position itself as a major power broker. While some see China as an assertive challenger to the US-led system, others see it as an advocate for emerging powers and a more balanced world. As other middle powers are also eager to play an increased role on the global stage and align with the West or China or none as it suits their interests, can a new leadership on global issues such as climate or health be found in a fragmented, multipolar world? How is the global order shifting vis-à-vis China and US competition? How to sustain global cooperation in a time of “decoupling” and “de-risking” strategies? Experts from China and various regions will share the visions and proposals of established and emerging powers on global governance and collective action and identify possible pathways to move forward despite plural views.

Intervention on the same theme

11:15 11:45
Spotlight stage
Spotlight with  Mo Ibrahim, Founder and Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and Comfort Ero, President and Chief Executive Officer of Crisis Group on the conflict in Sudan
Peace, Geopolitics and Multilateralism
09:30 10:30
Stage A
Welcome words - The Future of Ukraine at a crossroad
Peace, Geopolitics and Multilateralism