Dfcd landscape finance

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) is a new blended finance partnership launched in 2019, that steers capital towards projects that strengthen the climate resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems. The fund is structured through three operationally linked facilities. The DFCD Water and Land Use Facilities are managed by CFM and FMO and … Continued

International platform for sustainable finance

To reach our Paris Agreement commitments and build back better from the COVID19 crisis, trillions of investments will be needed. Mobilising international private capital and scale up cross-border green investments will be crucial. The International Platform on Sustainable Finance was created as a response to this urgent need. The IPSF promotes integrated market for environmentally … Continued

Bank of minas gerais digital

Although the contribution of SMEs to the development of the economy is clear, this segment still faces financing obstacles when compared to larger companies. When it comes to the challenges faced by SMEs in this pandemic moment, the issue of financial inclusion becomes even more urgent. BDMG Digital is an online platform created to evaluate … Continued

Archipelagos – one4a

Archipelagos aims at fostering sustainable and resilient growth for the most dynamic African SMEs and to help them gain access to capital markets. Starting from Morocco and Ivory Coast, leveraging regional hubs that will connect the entire continent, the program’s goal is to link at least 500 African SMEs to European companies and markets. Women … Continued

Fin4dev – banking on sdgs

Fin4Dev is an unprecedented initiative based on the strategic vision that financial systems stakeholders are not mere intermediaries but that they can be key vectors and catalyzers of sustainable development. Fin4Dev seeks to support both local financial institutions and financial authorities in designing their transition strategies aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. … Continued

Impact invest

The world’s first “Humanitarian Impact Bond” was launched to explore new approaches to the financing of aid in conflict-hit countries in particular in the field of physical rehabilitation. Innovative financing models are crucial to modernize humanitarian and development financing and make better use of the growing capacity of the private sector to help achieve development … Continued

The Lion’s Share

Earth is facing its 6th mass extinction: 1 million species could soon be wiped out. Through The Lion’s Share (TLS), UNDP & its partners aim to create a global movement benefitting wildlife conservation. With an innovative financing scheme complementing Official development assistance (ODA) and facilitating private sector engagement, TLS encourages advertisers who feature animals in … Continued

Sustainable Infrastructure for All

Access to high-quality and sustainable infrastructure is an essential determinant of people’s well-being, equal opportunities and a basic requirement for businesses to prosper. The OECD is building a network of stakeholders that links its extensive knowledge communities to inform policy decisions for the transition to more sustainable and inclusive economies. Sustainable Infrastructure for All is … Continued

PASED: A pioneering model for country development

PASED is an innovative, pioneering model to boost the development of emerging countries and regions. This nonprofit, private sector-led initiative builds on a unique combination of philanthropic and entrepreneurial ventures. PASED aims at improving the quality of life of local communities through transformative anchor projects around which thriving socio-economic ecosystems can flourish. Piloted in Armenia … Continued

National Financing Vehicles: Increasing the flow of climate finance

The central challenge to financing the green growth transformation in developing countries is to develop bankable projects or commercially attractive investment opportunities. The initiative aims to develop and design these projects for bankability through deep financial and structuring expertise and sectoral expertise.