
Sameera Mehra

Directrice Plaidoyer et Intelligence collective, WINGS



Sameera Mehra is Collective Intelligence and Advocacy Director at WINGS. Before WINGS, Sameera was Head of Global Alliance and International Networks for Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). Sameera worked with partners across South Africa, India, Brazil, Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, US, UK, Australia and Canada to grow giving and strengthen civil society resilience. Previous work experiences include setting up a NGO in Canada and a partnership project in India, and consultancy projects for several NGOs. She also worked in banking spanning roles in leadership, project management and change transformation.


Programme 2023
16:45 17:45
Salle 1
Table ronde
Objectif impact : Maximiser le rôle de la philanthropie dans une ère de multicrises
Réduire les inégalités et accélérer la réalisation des ODD