
Olha Vesnianka

Combattante, volontaire militaire, Quartier général de la défense de la région de Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



Olga Vesnianka is a Ukrainian combatant, military volunteer, human rights defender, expert. She took arm into the arms to defend Ukraine from russian terrorists in particular Zaporizhzhia region. In 2022 Olga volunteered in the Headquaters for the treatment of POW. Advocated for the Establishment of the Special International Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine. She has experience in human rights, women rights, community policing, multicultural understanding for 20 years. Worked with CoE, UN, OSCE ODIHR. As a journalist before, Olga had Awards, in 2014 she was Euromaidan activist.


Programme 2023
10:00 10:45
Scène B
Femmes combattantes : rôles et besoins dans les conflits et la consolidation de la paix
Construire la paix et un monde plus sûr