
Gulnora Mukhamadieva

Responsable Genre, Fondation Aga Khan



Gulnora leads gender equality integration in programmes, and provides strategic direction for AKF’s civil society portfolio in South and Central Asia. She has been with the AKDN for over four years. She is a member of the Global Gender Equality Task Force, and contributed to the development and roll-out of AKF’s Gender Equality Scorecard, Guidance on Gender Equality Marker and an internal toolkit on gender integration in programmes. Gulnora worked to strengthen relationships with Aga Khan University and leads the development of a joint AKU/AKF Women Leadership Academy for the representatives of civil society organisations in Asia and Africa, and with University of Central Asia and its Civil Society Initiative and supported the design and launch the School for Advancement of Gender Equality in Central Asia in October 2021. Gulnora has worked with development agencies such UK Department for International Development, Swiss Development Cooperation, GIZ in Central Asia, as well as UN Women, UN Relief and Works Agency, and the Food and Agriculture Organisation in Jordan. Her experience and expertise focus on issues such as governance, gender equality and women’s empowerment, strategic planning and public finance reform. She is passionate about social justice, gender equality and girl's empowerment. Gulnora holds a Master’s degree in Development Studies from the University of Leeds. Gulnora speaks English, Russian and Tajik. Gulnora is based in Astana, Kazakhstan.


Programme 2023
15:30 16:30
Scène D
Liberté, Egalité, Disparités : Poursuivre les efforts pour soutenir et protéger les droits des femmes
Réduire les inégalités et accélérer la réalisation des ODD