
Charles Michel

Président, Conseil Européen


Charles Michel was born in the Belgian town of Namur in 1975. He studied law at the University of Brussels.In 1999 he was elected member of the federal parliament and later became the Walloon Minister for Interior Affairs and Civil Service, and in 2007, Federal Minister for Development Cooperation. He played an important role in his political party, MR (Reformist Movement), as spokesperson and finally leader of the party (2011-2014). During this time, between 2006 and 2014, he was also Mayor of Wavre.He became the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium in October 2014.On 2 July 2019, EU leaders elected Charles Michel as President of the European Council. He took office on 1 December 2019.

Programme 2023
15:30 16:15
Scène A
Des multicrises aux multiconflits : comment arrêter le cercle vicieux ?
Construire la paix et un monde plus sûr
09:30 11:30
Scène A
Concrétiser le Pacte de Paris pour les peuples et la planète (sur invitation)
Protéger la planète et les peuples