
Hina Rabbani Khar

Ancienne ministre des affaires étrangères, République islamique du Pakistan


26th Foreign Minister of Pakistan. Twice elected Member of Parliament.Hina Rabbani Khar’s term as Foreign Minister is best remembered for the‘Regional Pivot’ to Pakistan’s foreign policy. As the 26th Foreign Ministerof Pakistan, she concentrated on building ties with Pakistan’s immediateneighbours. A major policy shift was taken by starting the journey ofnormalization of trade relations with India. Similarly, with Afghanistan,Pakistan pursued a policy of reaching out to all political parties, andethnicities. Pakistan also pursued an active role in an Afghan led andAfghan owned process of reconciliation. In a difficult time of increasingeconomic sanctions Pakistan pursued to cement ties with Iran.Hina Rabbani Khar has also served as Minister of State for EconomicAffairs for 4 years and Minister of State for Finance

Programme 2023
15:30 16:30
Scène D
En finir avec la guerre contre les règles de la guerre
Construire la paix et un monde plus sûr
12:30 13:15
Scène B
Protéger la consolidation de la paix de la compétition mondiale
Construire la paix et un monde plus sûr
11:15 12:15
Scène E
L’Objectif Mondial d’Adaptation : renforcement des capacités et résilience face au changement climatique
Protéger la planète et les peuples