
Sarah Wayne Callies

Actrice et ambassadrice, International Rescue Committee (IRC) (IRC)



Actor, writer, and director Sarah Wayne Callies (The Company You Keep, The Walking Dead, Prison Break) has represented the IRC as an ambassador for more than 13 years. Inspired by her grandfather’s experience as a refugee fleeing Hungary, Sarah has spent time speaking with IRC clients and staff in Thailand, Iraq, Jordan, Serbia, Seattle, San Diego, New York City, Dallas, and Atlanta. Looking to the future, Sarah is a major proponent of the IRC’s work to address, mitigate, and combat the climate crisis, which has become a major source of displacement around the world.


Programme 2023
10:00 10:45
Scène A
90 ans de l’International Rescue Committee (IRC): Explorer le parallèle entre hier et aujourd’hui
Construire la paix et un monde plus sûr