
Naureen Chowdhury Fink

Directrice générale, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism



Naureen Chowdhury Fink is the Executive Director at the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). Prior to this, she was the Executive Director at The Soufan Center, and before that, a senior policy adviser on counterterrorism and sanctions at the U.K. Mission to the United Nations, leading related negotiations in the UN Security Council and the General Assembly. She has previously worked at the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and UN Women.Before joining the United Nations, she was head of research and analysis for the Global Center on Cooperative Security, leading the multilateral security portfolio on the international response to terrorism and violent extremism, armed conflict, and political instability, and the role of international and regional actors. This built on her earlier work at the International Peace Institute, where she developed the portfolio on counterterrorism and transnational security threats and was an active contributor to the IPI Global Observatory.She has developed and implemented multi-stakeholder CT and PCVE projects across the globe, in regions as diverse as West Africa, Europe, and South Asia, and published widely on counterterrorism, gender, sanctions, international security, and the UN. She is a regular speaker at international high-level events, in the media, and at conferences bringing together policymakers, civil society, academia, and the private sector.


Programme 2023
12:00 13:00
Salle 4
Table ronde
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