
Priya Basu

Directrice exécutive du Secrétariat, Fonds de lutte contre les pandémies



Priya Basu was appointed as the inaugural Executive Head of the Pandemic Fund at the Word Bank in September 2022. During the pandemic she led the Multilateral Leaders Task Force on COVID-19 to address key bottlenecks in vaccine access and delivery, as well as the Bank’s engagement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response with the G20 and G7 - coordinating across finance and health. She also led the development of the Pandemic Fund, working with a large group of donors and development partners, the WHO and other international agencies, civil society, and other stakeholders, helping to mobilize political and financial support to establish the fund in record time with initial seed capital of $2 billion. In previous roles at the World Bank, Priya led the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, a multi-donor partnership focused on women's economic empowerment. Prior to that, she managed the World Bank’s $21 billion portfolio of multilateral financing mechanisms and trust funds to address global challenges, such as epidemics and pandemics, climate change, and refugee crises. She has also served as the Bank's lead economist for India. Prior to the World Bank, Priya worked as an economist at the IMF in Washington DC, the Asian Development Bank in Manila and UNCTAD and ILO in Geneva. Before that, she worked in investment banking in London. In a career spanning three decades, Priya has successfully developed and managed high-level strategic international partnerships with donors, client governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders to solve complex development challenges and mobilized resources to back these initiatives. Priya brings thought leadership around solving complex development challenges through partnerships, particularly at the intersection of global health and international finance, and a deep understanding of development cooperation. She is the author of three books, including Creating Resilient Financial Regimes in Asia: Challenges and Policy Options (Oxford University Press), India’s Financial Sector: Recent Reforms, Future Challenges (Macmillan), and Improving Access to Finance in India (World Bank). Priya holds a first class B.A (Hons.) degree in Economics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University, a B.A (Hons.)/M.A in Politics, Philosophy and Economics and postgraduate degrees in development economics from Merton College, Oxford University, U.K.


Programme 2023
11:15 12:00
Scène D
L’agenda « Always On » : créer des systèmes de santé résilients face aux pandémies
Réduire les inégalités et accélérer la réalisation des ODD
10:00 11:00
Salle 4
Table ronde
Science et politique : comment éclairer la prise de décision sur la prévention, la préparation et la réponse aux pandémies ?
Réduire les inégalités et accélérer la réalisation des ODD