Stage B

Saturday 11 November 2023


Saving peacebuilding from global competition

Crafting peace and building a safer world

The world is experiencing the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War, with 2 billion people living in conflict-affected areas and over 100 million people forcibly displaced and new daunting new threats. But since the Covid pandemics and the invasion of Ukraine, donor countries have shifted their budget priorities to national economies and defense spending and diminished their involvement in peace activities and support to civil society. In parallel, conflicts have been increasingly fueled by regional interference and seen a multiplication of proxies on the ground.  At a time when UN peacemaking and peacekeeping operations are being seriously challenged, new actors, such as China, Brazil or Turkey, are tempted to offer mediation services. In the “New Agenda for Peace”, a policy brief on the future of multilateral security cooperation launched in July 2023, the UN Secretary-General also calls for greater inter-governmental engagement on global risks in a context of heightened major-power competition and unequal international order. This session will explore how to mitigate the effects of geopolitical competition and assess the different approaches to peace. It will also discuss how the “New Agenda for Peace” can play a role in bridging the “trust” gap between North and South as between East and West.

Stewart Patrick

Senior Fellow and Director, Global Order and Institutions Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Hina Rabbani Khar

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Republic of Pakistan; Member, Global Commission on Governing Risks of Climate Overshoot


Mirko Manzoni

Under Secretary General, Personal Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Mozambique


Wang Huiyao

Founder and President, Center for China and Globalization


Ghassan Salamé

Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Sciences Po


Intervention on the same theme

15:30 16:15
Room 1
Africa-Europe relations in the context of instability and geopolitical rivalry
Crafting peace and building a safer world
18:00 19:00
Room 1
Not so bleak: Lessons learned from innovative approaches to peacebuilding
Crafting peace and building a safer world