Stage C

Friday 10 November 2023

Insights on Cooperation

Insights on Cooperation in rivalry: The Challenge of Climate Change

Protecting the planet and the people 

In a world of increasing polarization and competition, it has never been more urgent for the international community to find collaborative solutions to shared challenges and on the governance of global commons. Among these challenges, one of the most urgent and critical issues we face today is climate change. The world is witnessing an alarming rise in the frequency and severity of climate-related disasters, a stark reminder that action is needed now.

It is in this context that the 6th edition of the Paris Peace Forum will focus on ways of seeking common ground in a world of rivalry. In this session, taking place just three weeks prior to COP28, the Prime Minister of Andorra will share their invaluable insights on how we can ensure effective climate cooperation, even in the face of competition and conflict.

Pascal Boniface

Director, Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS)


Xavier Espot Zamora

Prime Minister, Principality of Andorra


Intervention on the same theme

13:30 14:30
Room 1
Promoting fair access to outer space by the Global South to accelerate SDGs and growth
Protecting the planet and the people 
11:30 12:30
Room 1
A mine of sustainable initiatives for a just environmental transition
Protecting the planet and the people