
Meredith Preston McGhie

Secretary General, Global Centre for Pluralism


Meredith Preston McGhie is the Secretary General for the Global Centre for Pluralism. She leads the Centre in their work to advance respect for diversity globally, through education, governance and peace and conflict initiatives. A peacemaker by background, Ms. Preston McGhie previously served as the Africa Regional Director with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, including as an advisor to Kofi Annan during the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation. Through more than 20 years across the African continent, she helped to establish and facilitate peace processes in Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan and elsewhere. She contributes to policy discussions on peacemaking globally, including teaching on inclusion and peace process design. Ms. Preston McGhie began her career working to with the Naga in North East India and ethnic minorities in Myanmar.

Program 2023
12:15 13:00
Stage D
Under the influence: Stopping disinformation on and offline
Crafting peace and building a safer world