Room 2

Monday 10 June 2024


ATLAS (Agricultural Transitions Lab for African Solutions) Roundtable, 1st Edition: Africa-Europe Policymaker Meeting on African Agri-food Systems

Agriculture and nutrition

Organized in partnership with Africa-Europe Foundation and Global Perspectives Initiative.

The African continent has immense agricultural potential that needs to be unleashed to enhance food security on both a continental and global scale, and to achieve climate goals. African agriculture should therefore be a priority on the international agenda.

The ATLAS Laboratory is the permanent structure for North-South dialogue and cooperation of the multi-stakeholder coalition of the Paris Peace Forum on African agricultural systems, following the call named “Africa Can Be a Major Agricultural Power.

This inaugural session aims to bring together policymakers and experts from the African and European continents to strengthen cooperation between the North and the South and to overcome the barriers to agricultural development on the African continent.

The discussions will focus on developing a shared Euro-African vision to break away from traditional North-South divides, identifying financial, environmental, and psychological challenges that need to be overcome, as well as highlighting the needs of African countries, the role Europe can play, and the common interests that should lead to enhanced collaboration and, eventually, better coordination of agri-food and trade policies between Europe and Africa.

Intervention on the same theme

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Stage B
On the road to the "Nutrition for Growth" (N4G) Summit
Agriculture and nutrition
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Stage B
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Agriculture and nutrition