
Marjeta Jager

Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for International Partnerships


Marjeta JAGER is currently Deputy Director-General for the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA). Ms JAGER has been working in the European Commission since 2005, starting as Director for Security in DG Energy and Transport and later being Director for international energy and transport files and coordination, as well as being Head of Cabinet of the Transport Commissioner. Before joining the Commission Ms JAGER was more than a decade working on the accession of Slovenia to the EU for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and she was the first Deputy Permanent Representative (Coreper I) of Slovenia to the EU.

Program 2023
16:45 17:45
Room 2
South-North Dialogue to help achieve SDG 2 and 13 in Africa: An Agricultural Revolution for Sustainable Food Security
Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs
13:45 14:45
Room 2
International taxation to scale up development and climate action
Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs